Saturday, September 24, 2005


Still have the throat thing - it's not getting any better, nor is it getting any worse. Things were busy at work last week, so if I have time this week I'll pop into a clinic and see what the deal is. Normally this kind of throat thing (which I get whenever I am sick) migrates into my lungs, which it hasn't this time. It seems to have stalled where it is. But it feels like I have this wad of phlegm (sorry!) stuffed up in the back of my throat where it connects to my nasal passages. I don't actually feel much pain until I swallow (or yawn, which is weird).

I had a great run this morning! I met up with CL, whom I haven't run with in ages, and we headed out for a planned 15K run. I made a wrong turn (which I never do!) so the route ended up being 16K (10 miles) in the end. We did it in 1:52, including a stop at the variety store to get some dried fruit bars as I had forgotten my Gu (energy gels).

After running I did my laundry and then went on a shopping excursion. Well, I now FINALLY fit into size 12 jeans!!! I tried on one pair and they were just that little bit too tight and was quite distraught. My size 14s are falling off me and sagging in the butt and, as we all know, jeans have to make your butt look good - that's the whole point of jeans! Anyway, I went back and got two more pairs in a different style and to my surprise they fit! I was totally stoked! I also bought some new boots in a sort of oxblood colour - they're very nice.

So I'm off to meet my fellow runners for a little pre-race carbo loading (well, not me since I'm not running tomorrow). I've met some of them before, but some of them I've only "met" on-line, so that will be cool.

I haven't done too well with my food journaling this weekend, but I'm fairly confident that I haven't gone over my allowed calories for the day. I ran for 110 minutes this morning, which accounts for well over 1,000 calories burned, so I'm not too worried about overeating today.

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