Sunday, January 21, 2007

It's Official

Yes, I am having a mid-life crisis.

That's the bad news. The good news is that I'm not having an affair with a 25-year-old or buying a sportscar I can't afford. Instead, I'm taking a trip to Italy with a bunch of strangers. Hmpf.

Seriously, I am having a mid-life crisis of sorts, but at least I'm aware that this is what's happening. And I'm not eating or drinking myself into oblivion. So that's good.

But it still makes for some tough times emotionally. I'm questioning a lot of things about myself and what I want from life. I'm trying really hard to figure out what I want my life to be (actually, this is the easier part). The harder part is figuring out how I'm going to go about achieving it. Sigh.

Oh, well... onward.


angelfish24 said...

Think I've been going thru some mid life stuff too for a while. Along the same line, what do I want out of life, what am I meant to do, what would make me happy. Not an easy answer it seems. Going back to school is one thing that is helping.

BethK said...

Oh, man! Me too. Me too. Me too.

This whole division re-org we're going though right now has me deeply in the land of: What the hell am I doing with my life? What the hell should I be doing with my life?

(Provided I'm still employed...) I'll be going to Croatia in June, also solo. I'm not sure I'd mind meeing a 25yo. Okay I'd prefer a 35yo, but we'll see what's on the menu.

I hope Italy is excellent!