Monday, April 14, 2008


I'm just back from my cycling trip to Majorca! What a paradise that is! There were more bikes than cars on the road. Sea, mountains, farmland... you couldn't ask for anything more! I rode 511 kms in 6 days. My two longest rides were 105K and 113K. Lots and lots of climbing!

The weather was cool, especially at the start of the rides in the morining, but got up to about 20-22C by the afternoon. Perfect riding weather. Mostly sunny, though we did have two overcast days. Luckily, no rain until late Saturday afternoon (and I wasn't riding then).

This is the sunrise over the Mediterranean the first morning we arrived. This was the view from my balcony. Gorgeous!

We had one rest day mid-week, so we took the bus into Palma, which is the main city, about an hour away from where we were staying in Alcudia.

I ate like a pig while I was there, but it was worth it.

1 comment:

angelfish24 said...

Looks like a lovely vacation! Thx for sharing the pics. I can't wait to have my vacation in December. A cruise to the caribbean. Can't wait.