Thursday, September 03, 2009

Litmus Test

I have a couple of litmus tests (LT) I use to help me know whether I am into a guy or not:

1) How do I feel as soon as I get a call/e-mail/text from the guy? Do I get excited? Am I all happy? Do I want to reply right away? If yes, then I'm into him.

2) How do I feel about the prospect of seeing him, or even running into him unexpectedly?

On those two litmus tests, I'd have to say that I am NOT really into A1. Last night during my run I was actually dreading the thought that I could bump into him as I was running in our neighbourhood. Every time I saw a guy walking a dog I thought, "Is that him?" On LT#1, I didn't reply to his text right away, and in fact as I'm writing this post an e-mail from him came through and I'm not in any big hurry to read it!

So, that tells me a lot about how I feel about him. I'm not quite sure if my lack of interest is because of him specifically, or if it's due to the realization I had the other night that I'm not ready to get into another relationship (ready to date - yes; relationship - no).

Anyway, off to read his e-mail now...

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