Sunday, November 05, 2006

New Half-Marathon PB!

I wasn't sure what to expect going into this race. It's been a long year of IM training and I wasn't sure if I had rested enough. I had thoughts of "PB" dancing around in the back of my mind, but I wasn't sure if I had it in me. I got my current PB (2:09:14) at this same race last year, so I was willing to give it another shot to see if the course would be good to me again.

I was relaxed going in. I didn't feel any pressure, just the normal pre-race excitement. It was great connecting with lots of my friends from the running club, too.

My plan was to try to stay in front of the 2:15 pace bunny (BG) and hold onto the 2:00 bunny (DG) as long as I could. Well, I lost sight of DG before the first kilometer marker (which I'm sure was off because my watch said I ran it in 4:51!). The 1-mile marker seemed to be right, though (9:40).

I also decided to follow my "average pace" on my SDM and use that as the gauge. For more than the first half, I was just under 6:00/km. I was kind of shocked by that because it's about 10 seconds/km faster than I normally run this distance. But I was feeling good, so I stuck with it.

This was also the first time in a long time that I raced with music. I pre-programmed my Nano with the best running tunes I could find, and tried to put them in order that I'd want/need to hear them.

The downside to running with music is that I couldn't hear my watch beep for walk breaks, so I had to keep looking at my watch. As a result, I didn't take them regularly every 10 minutes and they weren't a full minute long.

By the time I hit the 14K mark, my average pace had started to slow down to about 6:04 (this was the up-hilliest part of the course). It stayed at 6:04 all the way until the 18K mark when I decided to go for broke. I took my final walk break at the aide station there and then hunkered down and drove it home.

Just as I was getting to the 19K mark, an old favourite "earworm" of mine and my friend BG came on: "S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y-NIGHT! S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y-NIGHT!" That really got me going and I picked the pace up significantly. Then at the 20K mark, "Clocks" by Coldplay came on and I thought, Yeah, this is the perfect song to take me home. Finish before it's over, La.

Well, I hammered as hard as I could and as I got close to the finish line I saw the clock turning from 2:06:59 to 2:07:00. Yes, it was going to be a new PB!

Official chip time: 2:06:55!! Oh, baby! That was 2 minutes and19 seconds off my previous PB! That's smokin'! I really feel that sub-2:06 is within my grasp now. I honestly didn't think I had it in me as it seemed so far away from my previous PB of 2:09:14 (which had taken me 6 years to achieve).

Anyway, I'm sore. My hammies are killing me, but my friend's hot tub is calling my name, so I'll end my report here.


Anonymous said...

ohh wow! good on ya La, well done indeedily :)

Jennifer P said...

Congratulations! And just catching up on some old posts of yours -- what a transformation. You should be so proud!

angelfish24 said...

Way to go on your run! I'm just a beginning to run and damn it's hard! I would like to do the danskin mini tri next summer. I can do the swim and bike not but my jogging needs a lot of work. Your an inpiration for me!

angelfish24 said...

One more comment, I noticed below that you said you had breast red. surgery. If you don't mind sharing/talking of this, was it worth it? Did you get the results you wanted. It's something I have thought about for a long time but am scared to do it too. I have a bunch more wt to get off first too. Thanks.

UltraMamaC said...

congrats! My PB at the half-m distance is 2:09:10, so you're right in my ballpark -- I wish I could take 2 minutes off, but I don't see it happening. Great report!

BethK said...

Congratulations, La! Who knew the Bay City Rollers could be so inspirational.