Thursday, July 13, 2006


Sorry, I guess I've been gone for a while. Still loving the condo. Broke up with the guy, but we're still the best of friends (really!). Training like CRAZY for Ironman (less than 7 weeks to go!). So, I don't really have much time to write.

This weekend, I'll be going on a 6-hour bike ride followed by a 1-hour run/walk. Did 5:45/0:35 last weekend. I'm pretty zonked. I'm training about 12-14 hours per week right now.

Weight is OK - hovering around 170-172, which is up about 5 pounds from my lowest weight ever, but still within a good range for me (for now). Will probably get serious about it again in the fall.

La, out!


Askazombiehousewife said...

Wow your training for the oironman um I cam in last for a foot race.

Anonymous said...

Good luck on August 27!