Friday, March 31, 2006

It's been a long time!

Well, I finally managed to dig my computer and modum out of the pile of boxes in by bedroom and get back on-line. It's been over a week (10 days, in fact) since I moved, so I thought it was about time.

The move took much longer than expected due to an old, lame mover guy (the other young guy did all the work). Anyway, I'm here now (the only one in the whole building, actually) and it's starting to feel like home.

I had a great race last Sunday: 30K in 3:14:50, 10 second ahead of my goal and a full three minutes faster than when I did this race back in 2004. Yea! So this has been a recovery week.

The bad thing about recovery weeks is that my appetite still thinks I'm training as hard as I was before, but I am sitting on my ass most of the time, so the pounds have started to creep back on. It's only about 4-5 pounds from my lowest weight ever, but that's 2-3 more than I am am really comfortable with. So, back to the good eating and hard workouts next week.

That's all the time I have to update. Things are still good with my "friend". More later...


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the better time and yay on the home :)

Jennifer P said...

Glad to have you back. Nice race. I know what you mean about eating's hard!