Tuesday, January 03, 2006

On Plan, Baby!

I know, I know... one day "on plan" does not a comeback make. But I still want to celebrate the fact that I had an OP eating day as well as an OP exercise day, which is somewhat of a miracle, because I don't normally manage both on the same day. I'm also not under any illusions that this isn't anything more than New Year's Enthusiasm. Whatever it is, I'll take it!

I hesitate to utter the words Boot Camp (because that seems so "last year" and I'm a bit over it, frankly), but I have kept to the spirit of my previous Boot Camp rules, which are:

No alcohol
No eating after dinner
Journalling all food
Staying within daily calorie allowance
No junk food

I actually came in under calories today, mostly because I burned a ton on my 7.5K run this evening (47 minutes). Nutrid1ary has me set for a daily deficit of 500 calories and I think I had a deficit of 650 today.

I did reasonably well with water - actually, I substituted with peppermint tea as I just don't care for water all that much. I think I drank 2x20oz cups of it today. I'll try for three tomorrow.

I have another tough run workout on tap for tomorrow night (hills), so I'll have to eat well for that tomorrow so that I don't bonk. And I'll have to be disciplined and not eat wings/nachos and drink beer with my friends after my run. I'll have salad with chicken and ginger ale instead.

Since I'm at a complete loss as to what to do on the dating front (or rather, lack thereof), I actually bought the new DrPhi1 book to see if he has any tips I haven't already thought of. The thing is, my overwhelming feeling right now isn't loneliness; it's fear. And I suspect I'm going to have to work through that before I'll find the relationship I'm looking for.

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