Saturday, June 25, 2005

Scorchin' Saturday!

Good god, it's hot! Aaargh! I can't stand the heat and I have nowhere to escape. I don't have A/C at home, nor do I have it in my car. I sought refuge in the cold beer section of the licquor store this afternoon (ha!).

Today's workout went mostly as planned: I met my friends in Milton and I went for a ride while they went for a swim. We then met up and finished riding together. It was hot, it was windy and it was miserable! I added a bit of extra distance on the end because I had wanted to ride about 75K and I wasn't even going to make 60K. In the end, I was able to do 65K (40 miles) in about 3 hours. I had planned to run for 10 minutes afterwards, but I was humbled by the heat and sun (it was 11:30 by that time) and I probably only ran for 4 minutes and walked the other 6. This was a repeat of the workout I had there two weeks ago in nearly identical weather conditions.

The best part of the day was the dive into the cool lake after our workout. That and the cold grapes and cherries I had in my cooler. Oh, and the frozen bottle of water that had just thawed enough to drink it. Ahhhhh!

But then the drive home in the heat and traffic was brutal. Thankfully, it was cooler in my apartment than it was outside, so I hopped in the shower and then crashed for two hours. I think I might have had a mild case of heat stroke even though I drank lots of sports drink and water. I've got this low-grade headache now. I should probably drink some more water and take some aspirin.

The plan for tomorrow is to run for 90 minutes (whatever distance that turns out to be). I think I may try to head out around 7:30 before it gets too stinking hot.


On unrelated matters, I was very disturbed by that story out of New Jersey about the three boys who went missing on Wednesday and who were ultimately found last night in the trunk of a car (dead of asphyxiation). I think the thing that disturbed me so much was that they showed a scene on the news last night of the father of one of the boys as he actually discovered the bodies in the trunk of the car. It was all so real. This wasn't a movie; these were realy people and to witness the kind of horror that man must have felt in that moment was overwhelming to me. My heart rate started to soar and I had to wait about 30 minutes before I could actually go to bed.

Thankfully, when they were reporting the story this morning, they didn't show that footage again. I really think it was the footage that disturbed me more than anything (not that the situation itself isn't horrific on its own). They didn't show anything more than the father opening the trunk and then screaming and wailing in horror, but they didn't have to show any more than that to know what he must have seen and how he must have felt. [I had the same reaction to the final scene in Seven when Brad P1tt's character is delivered the head of his wife in a box. You never see anything, but the imagination is so much more powerful.]

I hope those families will eventually find some peace. It's unimaginably sad.

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