Thursday, June 23, 2005

What, no exercise??

Yeah, I didn't do any exercise today, so I have absolutely nothing to say. Bye!

Ha... as if!! Anyone who knows me knows what a huge freakin' lie that is as I always have something to say!

But it's true: I did not exercise today, however that was part of the plan. I always get one off day per week and lately it has fallen on a Thursday. I also got all my laundry done (not yet put away, though).

I didn't eat particularly well again today, either. I had nasty Chinese food for lunch - the sicky sweet kind with all the red food colouring. And white rice! Jeez, I thought that I was going to fall asleep this afternoon and I was on my feet teaching all day! Dinner was OK - one of those frozen "lean" dinners - but entirely unsatisfying.

While we're on the topic of frozen dinners, the thing that bugs me is how much freakin' sauce they have. I always leave a ton of sauce because everything is just swimming in it - blech! You know, give me a bit more noodles or rice to go with that sauce, would you!

My mission for this evening is to fix that darned bike tire so that I can finally ride to work tomorrow. That will be one day instead of the planned three days this week. Oh well, better than nothing. But of course, tomorrow is forcasted to be a "smog alert day" with temps up to 34C (93F) with a humidex of 41/105. Also, the plan was to go to run on the treadmill in the morning (that should be fine) and swim after work at the outdoor pool, but with the heat, the pool will likely be crowded (which I hate). As I said, Oh well!

Time to fix that tire...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great post. I was reading a similar topic on that went into how to lose belly fat first and why certain types of foods and exercise aren't really as effective as most people would like to believe. Thanks again for the info