Saturday, September 12, 2009

More to follow

R and I had a bit of an e-mail exchange on Friday. I told him I was frustrated by the fact that he blew me off on Thursday and only called me late that night. I said I thought he at least owed me the courtesy of following up on my request to get together. He replied, "You broke up with me, said you never wanted to talk to me again... and I owe you?"


OK. Fair enough. I didn't want to get into all the crap that led up to me doing that last month, prefering to wait until we got together to talk. I also didn't want to antagonize him, thereby making him shut down and be unwilling to talk to me.

He called me this afternoon to confirm for tomorrow. 11AM at Starbucks. Details to follow...

On a related note, I had date #2 with A1 last night (who should probably just be called A from now on since A2 is likely out of the picture). We had a nice time. He's a very sweet guy, very attentive and will make someone a great boyfriend - I just don't know that it will be me. I was honest with him and told him that I was still reeling a bit from my breakup with R and that I wasn't looking to get involved in anything serious. He said that was fine and that he would just let me take the lead with where we go from here. See... great guy. I just don't know if I'm into him. Though, he did lose points when he went in for the wet sloppy kiss again after walking me to my car. Yeeeesh.

I also spoke on the phone yesterday with C. Turns out he's a former colleague of a very good friend and running partner of mine (CL). So of course I had to text CL to get her opinion on him. She said: Nice guy, really cute, not macho. Whatever that means. Hopefully I'll hear from him next week (he's away for the weekend) and we'll get a chance to meet. Oh, and he also lives in my neighbourhood. Jeez, maybe I should stop dating guys from my 'hood for fear that I'll run into them at inappropriate times!


HollyV said...

lol the running into people thing is definitely something to think about! Although in my case, I run into people I know EVERYWHERE, so if you're like me it won't matter.

I hope that you are able to get some resolution with R tomorrow... sometimes those types of meetings may be worthwhile, and sometimes they lead to more confusion. :( Let us know how it goes!

H said...

Funny, and you told me to stop getting involved with guys from far-away places. There MUST be some happy medium! :)