Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Inaugural Post

Just moved over from d-land. I was in the mood for a change. Excuse me while I get this up and running.


Anonymous said...

hello? is this thing on? did you get this note? it's me, ca.

La said...

Oh yes, Ca, I got your post. Now you can comment without revealing your online status!

Anonymous said...

Whee! Now I can add you to my Bloglines.

La said...

Um, what's a blogline?

Anonymous said...


It's a way to read blogs or news sites or whatever that have RSS feeds. Everytime it's updated you get a little star in the corner of your screen and you click it and then it shows you who updated and you can read it right there without having to go to the site.

That made no sense. You can check it out at the link above.