Wednesday, February 08, 2006

All time low!

Well, I am happy to report that I again weighed in at an all time low of 166.2lbs this morning. That matched my previous low on December 15, 2005. So, all of my holiday weight gain is now GONE!

However, that does not mean that I'll keep going down as I tend to post some small (and sometimes not-so-small) gains in the days after a new low.

Regardless, I'll take it!

Getting ready to head out for an 8K run.

Oh, and I have to make a shameless plug: My friend Cheryl is going to be on 0prah tomorrow!!!! She lost 100 pounds and they're doing a follow up show on her as she used W1nona Judd as her inspiration to lose the weight. Anyway, I'll be glued to my TV tomorrow afternoon! I've actually never met Cheryl, but she is a member of my on-line running club/discussion board, so I feel like I know her as well as I know any of my (oh so limited) readership. So watch the show! It's going to be soooooo cooool!!

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