Tuesday, July 12, 2005

"I'm mellllllting....."

Just like the Wicked Witch of the West! Except my undoing is the heat! Oy, I feel gross!

It's 31C in my apartment (it's a tad cooler outside). The benefits of living by the lake means that the air stays cooler than in other parts of the city. The downside to living on the third (top) floor of a 1920's brick "Brownstone" is that once that brick heats up it's like a kiln in here!

I have a big bay window that faces southeast, so I get sun through that window until well past noon. The windows on the side of my apartment face southwest, so I get the sun the rest of the day. Since I'm on the top floor, there are no trees to provide shade. The only way I can actually get some sleep is to have the fan on me full blast all night.

Work was a struggle today. I was teaching a new group of people. It's a full class of fourteen, so we're crammed in. At least it's relatively cool in the training room. But this is a four-day course (the others are 2-2.5 days), so it's a real grind. I'm cranky and I have little patience.

I had an uneventful ride to/from work, which is good. I did a 30-minute Gravity class this morning with my perky little instructor (I like her, really) who resembles Gwen Stefani. The ride in is always much more pleasant than the ride home: I was dripping by the time I got home.

This evening I went out for a brick workout on the course where I'll be racing this weekend. I met up with some friends, including a couple of guys from the Triathlon clinic I'm teaching. We did three loops of the bike course (19K in total), followed by a 1.5K run. My time on the run (7:58) was not as fast as last week (7:48), but it was my second-fastest run at that distance, so I'm happy (considering the soupy air we had to run through).

Since I'm teaching the final night of the Tri Clinic tomorrow and won't get my own workout in, I'll have to run on the treadmill in the morning. I suppose I could just run from home, shower and then ride into work, but I AM paying through the nose for that gym, so I feel like I should get my money's worth. I'll make my decision in the morning.

That's it for now. I'm off to finish watching the big climbing stage of the Tour from today. I already know what happened since I was following it on-line today, but I want to see all the action live. Tomorrow will be another good viewing day as it has two legendary climbs: Col de la Madeleine and Col du Galibier. In between is the Col du Telegraphe. If you've never watched the Tour de France before, that's a great stage to watch.

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