Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I showed that darned scale.. ha!

Oh miracle of miracles: 167.8lbs! That's my lowest weight EVAH! That's a three-pound loss since last Monday's weigh-in, but it's not all "net new" weight loss. My previous low had been 169.something. Still, it's a whole new breakthrough for me.

FINALLY, all my hard work over the last few weeks has paid off. Since I didn't weigh myself right after my vacation and since I bought a new scale, I don't have an actual "official" weight-loss number for this phase. The closest I can figure is 6-7 pounds over a 9-week period. It's not exactly what I had hoped for, wishing that I could drop 1.5-2 pounds per week, but I'll take it.

I've updated my stats on the right. Lowest weight to date: 167.8 recorded on Monday, November 12, 2005.

Since the "Miracle on the Scales", I haven't eaten particularly well, but I have stayed within my daily calorie allowance. I just probably shouldn't have had the skin on the rotisserie chicken on Monday, nor the five little Lindor chocolates I consumed over the last two days (three yesterday, two today). Thankfully they're gone now. I'll do better, I swear. Right now, I'm blaming it on PMS.

I have to leave for floor hockey soon (we are still winless - whaaa!). It's nasty outside - wind, rain, blech!! I'd much rather be tucked in nice and cozy under my down duvet. But the team calls...


Jennifer P said...

Great job on the weight loss!

:) said...


BethK said...

Congratulations, La! You kicked scale and hockey ass!

Anonymous said...

Terrific, La! keep up the good work.