Monday, October 17, 2005

"Don't Wake the Baby!"

I'm standing on the side of the road yesterday cheering on my friends in the half marathon and marathon. I'm wearing my running tights, running shoes, t-shirt and light jacket (freezing, by the way). I've got a bell that I'm ringing to help encourage runners up the big hill. I do see some of my friends and we give each other a big wave and a cheer. Even people I didn't know were smiling and waving and saying thanks for coming out to support them.

Part way through, a older man (well, older than me; maybe in his early 50s) yells out to me: "Don't wake the baby!" It takes me a few seconds, but then I realize: He thinks I PREGNANT! Egads!

OK, first of all, I would NEVER make a comment to any woman about her being pregnant unless I could actually see the baby coming through the birth canal! Goodness, some people can be so freaking RUDE. I expect it from little kids because they don't really know the difference (and usually it's their parents who are mortified - but I often wonder what they are telling their kids about the different shapes and sizes of people in the world).

:::}smoke coming out of my ears{:::

I just got off my bike after doing a good 30 minutes on my trainer. I'm off to swim class in a few minutes. It's my first class of a two-week intensive program (three nights a week).

Oh, and to answer Jennifer P's question from yesterday's comments: I have a scale that measures body fat by sending a small current through your feet while you stand on the scale. They're not 100% accurate, but it does give me a bit of a picture. They're widely available.

1 comment:

Jennifer P said...

Some people are just assholes that are out to ruin your day (at least that's my theory for when people open their mouths without thinking). Hope your friends had a good race.