Friday, October 14, 2005

Friday Weight In


So, I'm still at 169. I did the ol' "move the scale around the room and step on it to see if you get a different result" trick. It didn't work.

I think I'm going to buy a new scale - splurge and buy the body-fat kind. I've actually had this particular one for the last nine years, so I guess I'm due. It has a digital readout, but it's not a true "digital" scale - it's the spring kind (I think). I am slightly torn about this decision because I know I shouldn't be placing so much "weight" on the reading on the scale; but I also find it to be very valuable feedback, so I'm going to do it.

I had a good workout day again today. I got up and did 35 minutes on my bike trainer at 6AM. At lunch, I did a tough upper-body strength training session followed by 25 minutes on the elliptical machine.

No plans for tonight. Maybe do some house cleaning.

18K run planned for tomorrow, then getting together with the BC before she leaves for Rome.

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