Monday, October 24, 2005


I slept like a rock last night. I was falling asleep on the couch watching TV, so I just called it a night and went to bed at 10:30. I was also a bit cold, so I wore my flannel jammies to bed. When I woke up this morning I was almost disoriented and kind of staggered to the bathroom. The first thing I thought when I got up was, "I can't WAIT to go back to bed this evening."

So, when I got home from work this evening (around 5:15), the first thing I did was put on my jammies before making dinner. Dinner is on the stove right now (brown rice & beans, chicken and veggies) and I'm nice and toasty in my jammies. It doesn't get much better than that!

I had to laugh as I was leaving work today. There is a homeless man who squats on the corner of King & Bay where I work. This is the heart of the financial district with all the major banks' head offices parked on that corner. He usually squats on the corner where the TD bank is (which is where I catch the streetcar to go home). He also has a dog: a beautiful German Sheppard who just sits there with him, sometimes barking at the odd passer-by (although usually egged on by his owner). Anyway, today I was walking to the streetcar stop when I looked over to where the man and his dog normally are. Today, all the man's stuff was there, but the dog was sitting there by itself. What made me laugh out loud, though, was that the dog was sitting there with a sheepskin hat on its head. You know, the kind with the flap in front that flips up and the flaps on the side that flip down to cover your ears. The dog was just sitting there, wearing this hat and I just burst out laughing. It made my day. I wish I had had a camera!

The scale news was not as happy today. I am up a pound from the one I lost earlier in the week. I just don't get it. The only thing I can figure is that nutridiary is overestimating my daily calorie requirements so that I am inadvertently eating too much. I forgot to weigh in on Sunday, so I'm not sure if the one-pound gain was overnight or over two days. Oh, and the first time I got on it showed 171.something, which I REFUSED to accept, so I got back on and it settled into 170.6, which is more like it (although still not a number I want to be seeing).


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