Thursday, August 18, 2005

Done for two weeks!

Woo! I taught my last class until after Labour Day! I can finally breathe easy and not be "on stage" for the next three days of work. I made myself a little "to do" list of work shit I have to get done before I leave.

I love crossing things off my To Do list. The biggest chore on the list was marking a whack of exams that had been sitting on my desk since Monday. The second biggest (in retrospect, it's probably THE biggest), is the pile of assignments I have to grade because I'm really backed up on those.

To any teachers out there whose unions are fighting for more prep time: YOU DESERVE ALL THE PREP TIME YOU'RE ASKING FOR... AND THEN SOME! I'm not even a parent and I don't begrudge giving teachers whatever they're asking for. I don't have a minute to spare during the days I'm teaching - and I'm teaching adults - so I can only imagine how hard it is for teachers. And you get the summer off? GOOD FOR YOU, I say! You deserve it! Teachers are so underappreciated.

Tonight: just about to go for a bike ride with H. This is in lieu of a run since I still can't run (but might try on Sunday... we'll see). Hopefully there will be food and wine after said bike ride. Oh, and some good conversation. We're always good for that.

Off to get changed into my Spandex!

1 comment:

Denise said...

Spandex...better you than me! :-)