Monday, August 15, 2005


Ack! I went to the pool as planned after work (trying to squeeze in a workout before a dinner party I'm attending this evening) only to find out that they've changed the schedule for the summer! There was no 5-7PM swim - it's been changed to 7-8PM. That sucks royally! So, given that it would not have been logistically possible to get in my swim at the outdoor pool and still get to the party at home, here I sit at my computer to kill a bit of time before I have to leave for dinner.

I can't believe how sore I am today after my long ride on Saturday! I wasn't in any kind of pain yesterday, but today - yowsa! But it's the "good pain", not the kind to be concerned about. It hurts to sit and stand (using the glutes, hams and quads). Ooww, is all I can say.

So, I guess this means that today is a rest day and I have to do some kind of workout on Thursday. H and I are trying to get together, so I'll have to figure out how to fit it in. But flexibility is as important as anything, right?

I also started to plan out my training schedule for the next year. Yes, you heard me right: the next year. I have it broken down into four phases, some as long as 14 weeks, others as short as three. And each phase is broken up by a rest week (or two), which will give me something to look forward to. More details to follow on that once it's been put into place.

The focus of the first phase is on weight-loss. I've been saying all along that my focus during training this summer has NOT been on losing weight - just hoping to maintain - as it's too hard to train and try to lose weight. But come September 12 (just over a week after my race), it will be back to the weight-loss grindstone. My goal is to lose 15-20 pounds by the end of the 14-week period, which ends a week before Christmas. Since my birthday is in week 13, it will be a lovely BD present to myself if I can get to my goal weight of 150-155 by then. I'm also going to reward myself by buying a new suit. I'm still on the cusp of a size 12 (14 is too big and 12 too tight), so by then the 12 should be fitting me nicely. That's the plan, anyway.

Well, that's all the time I have to update now. Off to eat, drink and talk triathlon with all my IronBuddies!

1 comment:

La said...

H is my best friend. She lives around the corner but we don't get to see each other much. My plan is: no alcohol, smaller portions, no junk food, no eating after dinner and gym 4 mornings a week, plus evening workouts. More on that to follow...